Quickly Lose Belly Fat - 2 Powerful Methods to Flatten That Belly Very Fast, Easy, & Consistently!
Quickly Lose Belly Fat - 2 Powerful Methods to Flatten That Belly Very Fast, Easy, & Consistently!
By Avy Barnes
Want to quickly lose belly fat starting today? Read on to discover 2 incredibly powerful steps to ensure you'll melt away pounds of stubborn flab much more faster, consistent, and permanent!
What should I do to ensure consistent and permanent results?
1.) Okay my friend, the very first thing you want to do is make sure that you naturally increase your metabolism and do everything in your power to avoid decreasing it.
- To Increase Your Metabolism: Eat 4 small healthy meals daily, do intense workouts, get 8 hours of sleep, have an 8 oz. glass of ice cold water as soon as you awake, and drink green tea to name a few.
- To Avoid Decreasing Your Metabolism: Stay away from "fad dieting". This means no more of that low carb, low fat, low calorie, starvation, etc. type of dieting. Also, make sure that the calories you eat for each of your 4 small meals are low. Eating too many calories at once will lower your metabolism and cause your body to store fat!
What's the most important step for getting rid of fat?
2.) Now, the most important thing you should do is make sure you are getting the right type of nutrients every day. Your body needs ALL types of nutrients without serious restrictions (such as with fad diets).
What I do to get in shape and stay that way is get plenty of protein, fiber, and vitamins/minerals. Then I also ensure I get a moderate amount of healthy fat (monounsaturated).
In regards to getting proper nutrition, another thing I recommend you do is combine proper nutrition with boosting your metabolism. One of the most effective ways to do this is with a dieting technique called "shifting". What "shifting" is based on is strategically switching around the types of calories (nutrients) you get each day to confuse your metabolism into increasing to the maximum peak.
The bottom line?
So, if you want to quickly lose belly fat... and keep it off, I highly recommend you follow those 2 steps above. I successfully lost 50 pounds of fat in 8 weeks using those steps above!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes
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