6 Natural Herbs For Weight Loss
6 Natural Herbs For Weight Loss
By: Emmanuel G. Lake
The best way to lose weight and virtually the only way to maintain weight loss is to adapt a healthier, more active lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes a natural, healthy diet and regular exercise will keep you healthy; give you more energy; lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer; and still allow you to lose weight. Those who choose fad diets over such a lifestyle can count on gaining back their lost weight and more. Almost 95 percent of all dieters regain their lost weight within a year and have to diet all over again. Below are some of the recommended natural herbs for weight loss that help you in your goal of a healthier lifestyle.
- Aloe vera juice improves digestion and cleanses the digestive tract.
- Astralagus increases energy and improves nutrient absorption. Warning: do not use this herb in the presence of a fever.
- Alfalfa, corn silk, dandelion. Gravel root, horsetail, hydrangea, hyssop, juniper, berries, oat straw, parsley seawrack, thyme, uva ursi, white ash, and yarrow can be used in tea form for their diuretic properties.
- Butcher's broom, cardamon cayenne, cinnamon, ephedra (ma huang), garcinia cambogia, ginger, green tea (which has gained a great deal of attention for its ability to aid in weight loss), and mustard seed are thermogenic herbs that improve digestion and aid in the metabolism of fat. Warning: Do not use cinnamon in large quantities during pregnancy. Use extreme caution when taking any products containing ephedra. It has been known to cause adverse side effects, including nausea, irregular heartbeat, anxiety, chest pains, heart palpitations high blood pressure, insomnia, and, in rare cases even death. Do not use it all if you suffer from anxiety, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, or insomia, or if you are taking a monamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor drug for depression.
- Citrin is trademarked name for a standardized herbal extract from the fruit of the garcinia cambogia plant also known as indian berry. Test have shown it to be safe and effective method of inhibiting the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver, promoting the burning of body fat as fuel, and suppressing the appetite. It may also prevent or slow the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
- Gotu kola aids in reducing body mass and aids in adrenal processes that facilitate carbohydrate metabolism. It also increases energy.
More natural herbs for weight loss and a balanced diet will be found in (Strip That Fat 101). The no.1 program on the web that is recommended today is a well-structured weight loss program Strip That Fat the only one that includes a calorie and a diet generator that you can easily follow. It is already proven and tried that a balanced diet, exercise, together with your dream to loss weight is a great way to live a healthier lifestyle.I hope you discover the insights above helpful in your goal of losing weight just remember and follow these important tips above and you will succeed.
About the Author
For more weight loss information about diet and reviews of the number 1 Well-structured weight loss program and the only one that contains a diet and a calorie generator visit the Strip That Fat Review 101 blog. Find detailed product reviews:
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - 6 Natural Herbs For Weight Loss
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