Strip That Fat Review - Is it a Diet Scam or Not?

Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets? Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

"Strip That Fat and End The Vicious Cycle Once and For All"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Can't I Lose Weight and Get Thin for Good?

It took me years to find the answer, and before I did, I started believing that perhaps it simply came down to a lack of self-control. It was hard to believe this though, because in all the other areas of my life, I was highly organized and self-controlled. In my gut though, I knew I could not lose weight and get thin for good, because of some deep-rooted answer that evaded me.

I became desperate enough to start seeking God, my Creator, the One Who had made me, for answers. After all, if anyone knew the reason - the true reason - for me being overweight and not being able to lose it to get thin for good, it had to be Him.

It was only then that the answers started coming to me. Having read article after article on weight loss, and having tried so many diets without success, it was somewhat of a major revelation to me to understand that the root cause of the problem was not a lack of self-control, or laziness, but rather, the way I related to food.

It all started when I was four. The teachers at the nursery school I attended, started noticing my weight gain (I still have the report to prove it!) I was a sensitive child, and at the time, the apple of my father's eye. He started having an affair with another woman, and as such, became emotionally distant to his wife and two children. I must have picked up on this (even though I don't remember actually feeling rejected, it makes sense that I did).

I turned to food for comfort. The problem was further compounded when a little later, my parents took in an abused child who was the same age as me. I was the youngest in the family, and apparently, it upset me that the child was turning to my mother as a mother figure! Again, I felt rejected. After four, I was never thin again until 17 years old. I was never obese before, but never thin either. I maintained my slim weight until 21, when my son was born, and then I put everything back on again, and became and stayed obese for years after that, until I finally realised the root cause of my obesity.

What started out as an emotional reason for overeating later became habit. Food simply became my best friend while I distanced myself to everyone around me.

So now I understood that I had gained weight for emotional reasons, and although it was good to finally understand the root cause, it still didn't help me to actually lose the weight and get thin for good...

The next step was trying to understand how to lose weight once and for all without dieting or depriving myself. In my gut, I knew I had to get rid of all my previous knowledge about dieting and weight loss, and start from scratch. I didn't just want to lose the weight, I wanted the answers - I knew that my greatest gift would lie right next to my greatest wound.

For months I allowed myself to eat anything I wanted. I put on pound after pound, but I knew I had to do it - I had to learn - for the sake of others - how to lose weight and get thin for good. Finally, the answers came and I started applying them. In a nutshell, here are the answers to losing weight and getting thin for good without dieting or deprivation:

1. First understand the reason you are overweight
2. Note your triggers to overeating or craving junk food and eliminate those situations
3. As an alcoholic would do, at the right time, eliminate the foods that cause you to overeat (e.g. crisps)
4. Add more of the good stuff
5. Educate yourself on nutrition and it's effects on the body
6. Exercise offers a free 60 day "Get Thin for Good" program which will guide you through all the steps to change the way you relate to food in order to lose weight and get thin for good.

View the original article here

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