Strip That Fat Review - Is it a Diet Scam or Not?

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Article on the Environmental Impact of the Bottled Water Industry Your Readers Might Be Interested In


My name's Stacy and I work with Zintro, a marketplace of experts in various fields that helps connect investors, lawyers, analysts, entrepreneurs, and more with experts and consultants in various niches.

I wanted to reach out to you because I came across your site and I thought an article we published on both the environmental impact of and the industry around Bottled Water and Vitamin Enhanced Beverages might be of interest to your readers:

We think it's a really even-handed look at things like:

• The ecological impact of the bottled water industry
• Bottled water vs. tap water vs. "enhanced" beverages
• A general overview of the industry at large

If you thought this would be a valuable addition for your visitors we'd certainly love to have you share it with them! If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Either way thanks so much for your time!

Best Wishes,

Stacy Gianakura, Content Development Specialist

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