Strip That Fat Review - Is it a Diet Scam or Not?

Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets? Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

"Strip That Fat and End The Vicious Cycle Once and For All"

Monday, October 3, 2011

What Foods Can I Eat on the HCG Diet?

When you're thinking about diets, food is the first thing on your mind. What can you eat, will you be hungry, and what do you have to cut out? When you're thinking about the HCG diet, is there a specific menu for HCG weight loss? HCG diet drops help you lose weight but it's also about the food you eat. Read on to find out what to eat for maximum HCG diet benefits.

Diet success depends on what you eat. HCG drops make it easier to lose weight but if you eat badly you're going nowhere, fast. Do yourself a favor and commit to the HCG program by eating healthily from the right food groups. What exactly can you eat on the HCG diet?

The first thing to consider is your protein. Choose one protein for lunch and another one for dinner. Your protein selection is important and it can come from the following meat and fish choices: beef, chicken breast (with no skin), veal, shrimp, lobster, crab, and white fish. If you're keen on fish, take your pick from sole, grouper, halibut, flounder and wild Chilean sea bass but avoid oily fish like tuna or mackerel. Remember not to eat the same protein twice on the same day - it's not good for the diet, and it gets boring!

Then choose one vegetable selection for lunch and another - different - vegetable choice for dinner. HCG diet-friendly vegetables include tomatoes, lettuce, celery, spinach, onions, cucumbers, cabbages, chard, asparagus, beet greens and radishes. Fruit choice is more limited because of the sugar content of many fruits. You can have two servings of fruit a day, chosen from grapefruit, strawberries, oranges and apples. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to cut the risk of dehydration.

Concentrate on what you can eat but don't forget about what you can't eat. The HCG diet means no fats, no complex carbohydrates, no starches, and no sugars. If you have low blood sugar, avoid apples. Cut out all the sodas, fast food, chips, fries and candies - as you would expect on a diet. Getting rid of these things from your store cupboard is not only good for your weight, you benefit your heart and your health too.

Your daily calorie intake on the HCG diet will be around 500 calories. Many people benefit from spreading their calorie intake evenly throughout the day to help with any hunger issues and dips in blood sugar. Don't worry about hunger on the diet - HCG drops lessen the hunger, fatigue and irritability associated with very low calorie diets. You'll be surprised how well you can handle the diet with the help of HCG drops.

HCG Providers is dedicated to bringing you quality products, information, education and support about the HCG diet. If we do not a have a local provider in your area, we will ship your product for FREE. Learn more about how HCG works and if it is something for you. Visit or email

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